VIDEO: Watch SIA 101.7: Declaration of Independence – Part VII (Video time: 46 minutes)

Required Reading: None

Where there is a time mark, the answer is provided at the time indicated in the relevant podcast or video. Where there is no time mark indicated, the student should look up in a book or perform an Internet search for the term, person, or place.

  1. Tyranny
  2. Abolish
  3. Consent
  4. Treason
  5. Revolution
  6. Usurpation
  7. Evince
  8. Lord over
  9. Invariably
  10. Loyal subject
  11. Despotism
  12. Feudalism
  13. Regime
  14. Petition
  15. Democide
  16. Charter
  17. Parliament
  18. Plenary power
  19. King George III (He was King of England from when to when? He held the title of “Supreme Governor” in what church?)


  1. Why was the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution a unique and watershed moment in history? (2:48)
  2. The revolutionaries did not start to engage in revolutionary activities lightly. What does the Declaration of Independence say about changing governments that are “long established?” (2:49 – 5:00)
  3. What is the origin of the term, “birthright citizenship?” (6:04 – 9:50)
  4. Under the Divine Right Theory of Kings was consent of the governed needed? Why or why not? (6:04 – 9:50)
  5. Did the revolutionaries believe they had the natural right to throw off their government? (10:20 – 11:35)
  6. Did King George III agree with his British subjects? (11:35 – 12:05)
  7. Before throwing off the British government did the revolutionaries ask the British government to stop their abuse of power? (12:06 – 13:50)
  8. In order to avoid the revolution, what did the revolutionaries want from the British government? (13:50 – 14:05)
  9. What is Aristotle’s view of revolution? (17:40)
  10. Hanna Arendt wrote about modern revolution. She compared and contrasted the American Revolution with the French Revolution. What were some of the similarities and differences of these two revolutions? (20:25 – 23:10)
  11. What is the danger of launching a revolution? (23:10 – 23:50)
  12. What is the great challenge of freedom? (24:00 – 25:35)
  13. Summarize what we have learned so far about the Declaration of Independence? (26:39 – 34:00)
  14. Approximately how many human beings have been murdered by their own government? (31:10)
  15. Why was the twenty-seven charges in the Declaration of Independence addressed to the king only? (34:10 – 37:50)
  16. How did a charter from the king work? (34:24)
  17. The twenty-seven charges in the Declaration of Independence are the perfect blue print for what document? (39:19)
  18. The charters granted by the king formed the first law of the British colonies. True or False? (41:08)
  19. What important law did some colonial assembles pass that the British king would not give his ascent to? (42:20)


Hannah Arendt, On Revolution.