by Thomas Krannawitter | Dec 9, 2018 | Government, History |
So much on the line once government is involved with everything!
by Thomas Krannawitter | Nov 20, 2018 | Economics, Government, History, Speaking Easy, Uncategorized |
We Americans, today, owe much to the failures of the first Pilgrim (and later Puritan) colonists and the willingness of later generations to learn from those failures. DEATH The good news worthy of celebration and thanksgiving in Plymouth in the Fall of 1621 was that,...
by Thomas Krannawitter | Nov 2, 2018 | Government
Where we are today. ENVY Many Americans no longer view those who have created much wealth by producing much value for others as models that help the rest of us see what excellence means and what is possible. Americans today tend not to view the successful as sources...
by Thomas Krannawitter | Jun 10, 2018 | Economics, Government, History, Save the Swamp |
Many candidates for state legislatures and governorships across the United States talk about scaling back the size, scope, and power of government. Once in office, however, they find it to be no easy task. So much that was intended to be reserved to state governments,...
by Thomas Krannawitter | Apr 16, 2018 | Education, Government, History, Philosophy
A recent survey shows that many Americans either never learned or have forgotten much about the Holocaust. Many Americans don’t know the full extent of the government slaughter, or they cannot say what Auschwitz was, or they don’t know that Hitler...
by Thomas Krannawitter | May 20, 2017 | Government, History, Philosophy |
We are now in the post-Constitutional politics of demagoguery guided by little other than which political celebrity of the moment we happen to like.