Equality of Natural Rights

  • Each and every individual human being possesses an equal, rightful claim by nature to his/her own person and private property.
  • The equal natural right of every individual human being to his/her own person and private property should be recognized by, but does not depend upon, law.
  • No human being possesses any rightful claim to the person or private property of another human being.

Equal Protection of the Laws

  • Laws should offer equal protection for the equal, rightful natural claim of each and every individual citizen to his/her own person and private property.
  • Laws that confiscate private property from some citizens and transfer it to others are unjust and morally illegitimate.
  • Laws that divide citizens into groups and provide different protection, perks, subsidies, or penalties based on group membership are unjust and morally illegitimate.

Equality of Civil Rights

  • Civil rights are created by law for the purposes of citizens participating in civil governance and for securing the natural freedom and private property of individual citizens.
  • Examples of civil rights include the right to vote, the right to be elected and hold government office for terms defined by law, and the right to a trial by jury of one’s fellow citizens when accused of violating criminal law.
  • Laws should provide for equal civil rights for each and every adult citizen. Any restrictions of civil rights should be based upon criminal convictions only and should apply equally to all citizens.

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